Perhaps like many of you, books have always played a powerful role in my life. Some books comfort, others inspire and others can at times feel like they are speaking directly to me. Great books can sometimes take on the virtual role of mentor, teacher and friend. I’m always so grateful for the gift of authors and the stories, lessons and inspiration they share.

As 2018 draws to a close and we prepare to ring in 2019, I thought I would share 19 books that provide fearless inspiration. These books range from contemporary to others that are timeless, and include some that I highlight in my own upcoming book, Be Fearless, Five Principles for a Life of Breakthroughs and Purpose. These books tell the stories of those who have faced daunting challenges and overcome them, have done their part in making the world a better place or have figured out how to start right where they are—no matter the circumstances—and commit to a fearless life of purpose. Each could be a great gift for someone who needs a little inspiration this holiday season, or perhaps even you as you welcome a New Year with your own commitment to Be Fearless.

  1. A History in 50 Objects: Apollo To The Moon, by Teasel E. Muir-Harmony
    Filled with detailed photographs and inspiring stories, this book, published by National Geographic, tells the story of people who made a task that seemed impossible (sending a man to the moon), possible. Throughout Apollo to the Moon, the reader delves into the lives of the heroic astronauts and their supporters including President John F. Kennedy, newsman Walter Cronkite, and NASA scientist Margaret Hamilton. These fearless leaders took a giant leap for mankind in the 1960s and can now inspire us to dream big and make big bets in our own lives. 
  2. We Fed An Island: The True Story of Rebuilding Puerto Rico, One Meal at a Time, by JoséAndrés
    In the midst of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria that left hundreds of thousands of Americans without access to electricity, clean water or food, Chef José Andrés and his team of chefs acted with urgency to feed the people of Puerto Rico. Focusing on one meal at a time and eventually serving more than 3 million meals for those affected in Puerto Rico, this book tells the story of how Andrés addressed this humanitarian crisis the only way that he knew how: through food. An extraordinary story of hope and an example of how anyone can use their gifts and talents to make a difference in the world. And even more, the proceeds of the book go to support Andrés’s nonprofit World Central Kitchen so that this important work can continue on the front lines of disasters around the world.
  3. Confidence Code for Girls, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipmen
    Based on science, research and proven methods of behavioral change, this important book speaks to the next generation of girls who are achieving in unprecedented ways, but often lack the confidence to be fearless in all aspects of life. Packed with fun and engaging graphics, quizzes and true stories of girls who’ve found the courage to embrace risk, push past failure and find the confidence to take them forward. A perfect gift for the tween to teen in your life. 
  4. Originals, by Adam Grant
    This New York Times #1 Bestseller is timeless, filled with inspirational stories across sectors—from sports to business to politics. Originals is a highly entertaining and engaging book by Adam Grant that draws out stories of fearlessness and extraordinary achievement. Integrating groundbreaking insights and research, these stories speak to nonconformist approaches that embrace risk, overcome failure and ultimately change the world.
  5. Thirst, by Scott Harrison
    In this engaging new book, Scott Harrison tells the story of his journey from nightclub promoter in New York City to founder of a world-changing nonprofit, Charity Water, that brings clean water to villages around the world. Harrison’s highly personal and authentic story of his own life transformation is both poignant and powerful. The valuable lessons in this book not only shine a light on how to successfully build a better business or a better charity, but more importantly, how to use one’s talents and skills to build a fearless life of purpose and true meaning.
  6. Educated, by Tara Westover
    Growing up isolated from mainstream society in a remote Idaho town with parents who mistrusted doctors, schools, the government and outsiders, Tara Westover weaves a fascinating narrative of her early life and the significant challenges she worked to overcome. Lacking formal education throughout her childhood, she fearlessly persevered to build a life of opportunity, eventually earning a PHD from Cambridge University. The highly personal and raw account is a sometimes jolting window into the lives of those in segments of our society that are lesser known or understood, and reminds us of the potential for anyone from anywhere to achieve their dreams.
  7. The Third Wave, by Steve Case
    My husband, Steve Case, knew that the Internet had the power to democratize access to information, ideas and communication, and change the way that we live our daily lives, long before the arrival of laptops, mobile devices and ubiquitous access. In his book, The Third Wave, Steve provides valuable insights for up and coming innovators, business owners and changemakers.  Leveraging his four decades worth of experience spanning business, philanthropy, investing and civic leadership, this book is packed with powerful insights relevant for anyone looking to achieve new breakthroughs.