Shahid Lt. Selim Foundation is a non Profit Organization contributing in education, training, cultural development and health care.
Professor Late Khaleda Khanam established a school in the name of valiant freedom fighter Shahid Lt. Selim. Md Kamrul Hassan at Modhubagh, Mogbajar, Dhaka

The school began its noble journey as kindergarten school in 1979. The motto of the school is “Read Much Grow Much”

After long 37 years of educational service to contribute in large area at the society the foundation has been established

The motto at the foundation is serve to the humanity

Our Mission

To Improve Quality of life of the people through contribution in education, training, cultural development and  health care

The objective for which the foundation is established are as follows; all the objects mentioned here under will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission of the Government / Concerned authority /competent authority and the objects contrary to the provision of section 20 of the Societies Registration act 1860 shall be treated as inffective,

  1. To set up and run academic institutions, religious institutions and orphanages, by whatever name they may be called, all over bangladesh, by opening branches or otherwise
  2. To carry on any or all of them activities connected with or allied to running academic institutions and Technical institutional standards.
  3. To set up academic or Technical institutions of any denomination with any foreign institution of like nature with the view to developing education or health services ing bangladesh as per international standards.
  4. To support institutions engaged in promoting education % Medicare of th3e underprivileged and the disadvantaged members of society at large.
  5. To provide stipends, grants to deserving dependents of underprivileged families to carry on academic, vocational and skill development training to attain self reliance  
  6. To extend grants to the eligible unemployed youth & science gainful self-employment
  7. To provide Medical care and support to the diseased members of underprivileged families who have been rendered unable to earn their live
  8. To support projects directly helping the members of underprivileged families to at material self reliance and spiritual selt-development
  9. To fund research operations focused on evolving practical means to alleviate the suffering and miseries of the poor and the underprivileged and thus to promote their material wellbeing
  10. To do all such other things as are incidental to the activities of the foundation and as are conducive for the attainment of the above objectives.

Source of Finance:

Teh Fund of the Foundation may be derived from the following sources:-

  1. Income from the properties of the foundation
  2. Donations and or subscriptions from the Fundaer Life Members, Life Member Honorary Members, other Members of the Foundation and their dependents.

Our Vision

Social Development and Resilience in life